If you are doing some procedure for the patients regarding joint illnesses or disorders, this course will open your eyes regarding the optional management  that you didn’t realize.

Sufian Abd Jalil, GP

A good opportunity to improve your knowledge on imaging (utrasound and MRI). Live examples were shown to enhance our learning experience.We got to expand our knowlege and learn about the surgical procedures so we can understand our patients better.

Tay Pei Shen, Chiropractic

This conference is an eye-opener as a lot of things can be seen by ultrasound screening.

Emilia Rosniza, Radiology

It is a great introductory course to ultrasound and demonstrates how it will improve clinical and diagnostic skills during practice.

Bryan Choo, Chiropractic

Ultrasound screening at point-of-care is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Learning this skill ensures precise diagnosis and treatment.

Chan Jian Huei, GP

This congress boosts diagnostic abilities to another level.

Taraz-Lee Jaya Gopan, Chiropractic

A great platform to recognize diagnostic imaging roles and its applicability to benefit the patients.

Meagan Wong, Chiropractic

Good for an introduction. It will make you explore on imaging further and learn the significance of imaging in your practice

Ravindaran Alagasan, Chiropractic

An excellent platform to improve your anatomy and MSK diagnostic skills.

Praveen Nair, Chiropractic

It provides great exposure to diagnostic and ultrasound imaging and allows us to provide more options in imaging for the patients.

Sandra Hoo , Chiropractic

Very informative and good for practitioners and students.

Samihah Karim, Sports Medicine