Radiology Courses


11th Global Musculoskeletal MRI & Ultrasound Congress for Radiologists

Dates: 21st-24th August 2019
Venue: Furama Hotel Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
No of places: 28 pax
Accreditation: 30 Category 1 CPD Points by Royal College of Radiologists UK, 20 CPD Core Points by National Specialist Register of Malaysia (NSR) & recognized for CPD points towards the ESSR Diploma.


The strength of this congress is the combination of MSK MRI and Ultrasound and how and when each is used to solve the practical issues in MSK radiology. This intensive hands-on congress teaches radiologists to report MSK MRI with at least 95% accuracy and perform diagnostics ultrasound with competence. Learn practical tips and pearls not found in textbooks.

Ultrasound sessions are divided into Basic, Intermediate and Advanced groups to cater to individual training needs. The demonstrators consist of well-established teachers and trainers from Asia and United Kingdom who have done thousands of Musculoskeletal ultrasound cases. Accurate diagnosis based on clinical history, simple physical stress tests and imaging findings will be highlighted for ultrasound.

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